Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hearts are easy to draw, seriously.

It is four in the morning (and I'm walking along) and I have yet to finish (read: finish not start) the genogram which is due technically tomorrow but logically today. A genogram is a sort-of genealogy, a family tree but more complex in the sense that location, occupation, diseases and much more need to be included.

I associate crayons with white. With huggable fluffiness.

And, yeah. As dictated by my oh-so-creative juices, I am using crayons to decorate the otherwise bland square meter of paper I wrote it on.

I bought these crayons just after the semestral break.
Drawing cards/ letters could be fun, sometimes.

My initial thought was to color the squares (males) blue and the circles (females) red. So that it would be easier to comprehend, since the professor would have to read/scan/look at say, 30 genograms?

That was one of the most difficult cards to write.

And then I noticed the red pen was missing. I am sure it is either no longer here or too blunt or short to use properly. Is pink a better choice?

I can't draw teddy bears, by the way.

wink wink

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